A Quiet Place (Movie Review)

If you’re a kid you need candies, if you’re a businessman you need money and if you’re a horror movie enthusiast then “A Quiet Place” is the cure. This movie keeps you hooked on to your seat for the entire 95 minutes of its run time. John Krasinski has invested his best to make one of his best, his more than capable abilities are proven here with the way he sways his movie without letting you question any of the movie’s motive unlike other horror flicks. Emily Blunt does a fantastic job with this and her chemistry with Krasinski sparkles (Very much expected considering their real life relation) apart from this their children who complete Abbot family did a marvelous job especially Millicent Simmonds who plays the deaf daughter and herself is dead in real life bought to much to the table.

Some excellent cinematographic work done by Chrlotte Bruus Christensen along with a tight screenplay by the trio Bryan Woods, Scott Beck and John Krasinski contribute towards making this movie an excellent watch and thrills are sure to chill you so do go for it.



Rating: ★★★★

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